My family holiday in Balaruc-les-Bains


With its family atmosphere, Balaruc-les-Bains will be the ideal destination to satisfy both children and parents during the holidays. And if you are still hesitating to choose the spa town for your next stay, let us convince you with our top 7 activities to do with your family. Come on, let's go!


Do you want to enjoy your family holiday while discovering the history and spa town of Balaruc-les-Bains with your children in a fun way? Then the Randoland treasure hunt is for you! 

From the age of 4, children and adults alike can try to solve several riddles over a distance of about 4 kilometres, thanks to a booklet available on request from the Balaruc-les-Bains tourist information office.

The Sévigné park

Once you have managed to solve all the riddles of your Randoland treasure hunt, don't hesitate to take a break in the Sévigné park. Situated in the centre of town, this very flowery and shady park is also home to an important part of the history of Balaruc-les-Bains, as it was here that the first thermal baths were built: the Sévigné pavilion.

Go to the Balaruc-les-Bains tourist information office to see this building, which was named after the Marquise de Sévigné, and the foot bath opposite it. Children and adults alike will be able to enjoy the thermal water that gushes out naturally at 45°C for a few moments, before escaping from the benches to the fountains, from the bowling green to the playground, or even taking advantage, in the high season, of the many events and demonstrations that take place in the Théâtre de Verdure. 

Tip: Don't miss the craft market held here once a month.

The Manuréva water sports centre

In complete autonomy, during a course (1 to 5 days) or during a private lesson, everything is possible with the Manuréva water sports centre to discover the pleasures of water sports. 

Ideally located on the edge of the Thau lagoon, it welcomes you and your family, whether you are beginners or experienced, to try your hand at windsurfing, sea kayaking, catamaran, funboat, paddle, optimist...

You can also board the Baroulaïre, an Echo 90 (sailing boat), to discover the fauna and flora of the Thau basin, but also to learn how to manoeuvre and handle the helm of this sailing boat.

Aqua Turtle

Handle a turtle-shaped electric boat without a licence? Jet-skiing from the age of 7? Pedal on the water with an amazing bike? Riding a giant paddle for seven? These are all experiences that Aqua Turtle offers you and your family from April to September while enjoying a unique view of the Thau lagoon.

Balaruc-les-Bains by bike

For families who prefer to keep their feet on the ground, it is quite possible to discover Balaruc-les-Bains and the Thau lagoon by bike for example. Thanks to its many cycle paths, the spa town invites you to explore : 
Find all the itineraries and practical information for a cycling holiday in Balaruc-les-Bains, ideal here.

Nature outings

If you prefer hiking to cycling, let yourself be tempted by one of the many nature walks offered by JMJM or the CPIE starting from Balaruc-les-Bains! 

Equipped with your best hiking shoes, a bottle of water, a cap and sun cream, you will follow in the footsteps of a passionate guide to discover the emblematic landscapes of the Thau Archipelago, but also its fauna, flora and history. 

For example, you can escape to the terraces of the Gardiole, to the old salt pans of Frontignan or even see the Gulf of Lion from the heights. For bird lovers, don't forget your binoculars to be able to see them evolve freely in this nature reserve that forms the Thau basin. 

More thematic and fun nature outings for children are also offered throughout the Thau Archipelago. For example, with the EID, you can explore the Frontignan salt marshes in the shoes of a buccaneer (Boucaniers du Sel) and even at night (Salins by night). 

For those with a sweet tooth, there are also nature walks with tastings of typical shellfish from the Thau lagoon and even wine after, of course, a visit to the farm/domain. 

To find out more about all the Nature Walks offered in the Thau Archipelago, read our dedicated article.

The Gourmet Cure

After the effort, the comfort! Young and old alike will not be able to resist the Cure Gourmande and its delicious sweets. Come and visit the old railway station in Balaruc-les-Bains to discover where the adventure began in 1989 with Christian Berlan and Edouard Hennebert and guess where they got their original name. 

After a few anecdotes for the more curious, it will be time to take your little basket and make your choice among the shuttles, madeleines, chocolates, nougats... All made on the spot or not far from Frontignan, Narbonne and Gigean.